Who are we?
Our great Story
Originally founded in 2016 by Michael Kenner, Split Fire Training started as a firearms training company based in Vallejo California. Michael began perusing firearm training after attending FLETC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) as a Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard. While at FLETC, he was trained extensively in firearm manipulation and tactics. Upon returning to California he found a knack for training and became a certified NRA firearms instructor recognized by the DOJ. He expanded he certifications with certifications from the USCCA as a Concealed Carry instructor.
Split Fire Training took a short sabbatical in 2022, as the lead company to join forces with D1 – and Only Martial arts to form what should have been a powerhouse, all around Self-defense Company of Split Second Response Inc. After a year and a half, the two companies have peacefully separated and gone their separate ways. Now returning to our original roots, Split Fire Training is back to being its own powerhouse of a Self-defense and firearms training company.
We pride ourselves on being a personable firearms training company that caters to everyone 8 years and older. We provide training programs that stimulate the mind and challenge students to be more empowered and aware of their surroundings, refusing to be a victim. A lot has happened since 2020. We are all looking for ways to protect ourselves and our families. You should never be naïve of the events that have been going on in our cities, states, country and the world. We all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our family from possible threats. Give yourself and everyone around you the opportunity to provide an advanced level of security. Whether it’s CPR, which will provide you with training that will help possibly save lives, or Refuse to be a Victim training (an informational training course), which will build your awareness of your surroundings. Split Fire Training provides a large variety of training classes for many different self-defense scenarios for everyone!
Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
Split Fire Training took a short sabbatical in 2022, as the lead company to join forces with D1 – and Only Martial arts to form what should have been a powerhouse, all around Self-defense Company of Split Second Response Inc. After a year and a half, the two companies have peacefully separated and gone their separate ways. Now returning to our original roots, Split Fire Training is back to being its own powerhouse of a Self-defense and firearms training company.
We pride ourselves on being a personable firearms training company that caters to everyone 8 years and older. We provide training programs that stimulate the mind and challenge students to be more empowered and aware of their surroundings, refusing to be a victim. A lot has happened since 2020. We are all looking for ways to protect ourselves and our families. You should never be naïve of the events that have been going on in our cities, states, country and the world. We all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our family from possible threats. Give yourself and everyone around you the opportunity to provide an advanced level of security. Whether it’s CPR, which will provide you with training that will help possibly save lives, or Refuse to be a Victim training (an informational training course), which will build your awareness of your surroundings. Split Fire Training provides a large variety of training classes for many different self-defense scenarios for everyone!
Remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away!
Why Us?
With us, you will find a level of comfort and ease when it comes to learning about firearms. You will always be in a non-pressure environment. We understand that everyone has their own way of learning, and we will work with you to build your confidence.
With us, you will find a level of comfort and ease when it comes to learning about firearms. You will always be in a non-pressure environment. We understand that everyone has their own way of learning, and we will work with you to build your confidence.
favorate quotes
"Live life for more than it's worth! You never know how long you have until it's gone!"
Michael Kenner "Fear is a choice. Danger is real!" 50 Cent
Michael Kenner "Fear is a choice. Danger is real!" 50 Cent
Our Instructors
All of the Split Fire instructors are Certified NRA firearms instructors or have a background in Law Enforcement. We teach everything from Small arms to shot gun and Rifles. I am proud to know that we have instructors who are also expert Trap and Skeet shooters.
Michael Kenner
Owner & Chief Instructor
Mike is the Owner, CEO and Founder of Split Fire Training LLC. From 2016 – 2021. He briefly merged with D1- and Only Martial Arts to form Split Second Response as the Chief Firearms Instructor and part-owner from 2021 - 2023. Now Mike Has returned to his roots as 100% Owner and Chief instructor for Split Fire Training LLC. Mike is a certified NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, a Certified USCCA: Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) Instructor, an NRA: Refuse to Be a Victim instructor, a certified NRA Range Safety Officer, a certified Range Operator, a registered DOJ instructor, and a Certified BSIS Exposed Firearms Instructor & Security Guard instructor. He is also certified American Heart Association & Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor and an AVERT Active Shooter Instructor.
Mike was honorably discharged from the United States Coast Guard, where he graduated from the (FLETC) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and served as a Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist.
Mike has a Bachelor of Arts degree in 3-D Animation with a Minor in Fine Art from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA. In addition, Mike is the CEO of the 3-D animation company, Liberty is Thinking.
Mike has a Bachelor of Arts degree in 3-D Animation with a Minor in Fine Art from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA. In addition, Mike is the CEO of the 3-D animation company, Liberty is Thinking.
Jayson Cook
NRA Basic Firearm's Instructor
Jayson is a certified NRA Basic Pistol Instructor and a registered DOJ instructor. Jayson is a lead Firearms Instructor for Split Fire Training LLC. Jayson maintains a constant training regimen assisting with the Concealed Carry certification course and will soon become a certified CCW instructor. Jayson has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Character Design with a Minor in Fine Art from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco CA.
Michael Kenner SR.
Shotgun, Trap & Skeet Instructor & NRA Basic Firearms Instructor
Michael Kenner Sr. is retired Vallejo Police officer. During his retirement, he became a NRA certified Shotgun and Basic firearm instructor. Mike became the assistant shooting coach for the U.C. Davis Trap & Skeet team for over 3 years. He is a highly decorated Trap & Skeet shooter who's won may compatitions .
Are you looking to set up a personal class for a large group?
LET'S START Your Firearms Training today!
All classes are certified NRA firearms training classes. Class dates may be requested for week ends or week days. All classes must have a minimum of 5 stidents in order to be scheduled.